New Film Screening Opportunity: Vinylmania: The Official Film of Record Store Day 2012
A man A plan A canal is bringing you the opportunity to host a free screening of the documentary Vinylmania to promote Record Store Day 2012. Vinylmania is an Italian documentary by Paolo Campana that explains the significance and relevance of vinyl through interviews with DJs, record collectors, album cover artists, and musicians from all over the globe.
We are looking to set up screenings between now and Record Store Day 2012, April 21st. This could be a great way to bring visibility to your station as well as interact with your staff, DJs, community, campus, and listeners. The film is 75 minutes long, and since there are no screening fees for you to show the film, we ask no admission fee be charged.
If you are interested in setting up a screening, please contact us to get started. Let us know when and where the screening will take place, as well as where to send the screening materials. In addition to the DVD of Vinylmania, you will receive posters to help promote the event and Record Store Day mini-magazine/CD samplers to giveaway at the screening.
To watch the trailer go here.