Dagger Zine Loves Dennis Davison
Dagger Zine has great stuff to say about the new record from Dennis Davison, formerly of The Jigsaw Seen. “The Book of Strongman,” writes the zine, “is a truly wonderful record! If you’ve ever listened to any Jigsaw Seen’s records then you know it’s pop music, but not in the most traditional sense and The Book of Strongman is the same. There’s beautiful melodies all over the place and the register of Davison’s voice seems to raise on each song. In addition to plenty of guitar there’s also Mellotron, Monotron and plenty of analog synths to create the musical bed of mastery. First cut ‘Strongman and Sonny James’ is a minor key gem about his dad and a friend while ‘Shadow On a Tall Tree,’ one of my favorites on here, drives and bounces at the same time and the soaring ‘In the Folly of Youth’ swings from the crystal chandelier and never comes down. That’s the first three songs, but there’s plenty more magic on this record.”
Find the review here, and get the record on your airwaves now.