Combo Chimbita Tells Rolling Stone About Music’s “Mystical” Nature

Posted on Feb 24, 2022
Combo Chimbita Tells Rolling Stone About Music’s “Mystical” Nature

According to Combo Chimbita‘s Carolina Oliveros, “Music is something super mystical — you don’t know how it’s going to start and how it’s going to end. It’s a process that really depends on how you feel and how things connect to each other and how the lyrics can connect with the album. Plus, we as a band have always tried to connect each album to the other, like a saga. From the first album to this, it’s like a story that keeps repeating itself. It’s a story that might be something fantastical, but it’s a reflection, an analysis, a criticism of the world we live in.”

Oliveros and guitarist Niño Lento spoke recently with Rolling Stone – read the interview here!

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