The Times-Standard Covers Dren McDonald

Posted on May 11, 2023
The Times-Standard Covers Dren McDonald

The Times-Standard has the details about Dren McDonald’s new LP Pterous. As the site explains, “The recording required a process that McDonald refers to as “completely inefficient” as he used over 35 different instruments to create the sound on this record, and recorded them from at least three different distances for every recorded take. At least five different steel string acoustic guitars were used. At least seven different electric guitars were employed in these pieces as well. Nylon string guitars, 12 string guitars, baritone guitars, ukuleles, tenor ukuleles, and fretless bass were all used to help create this sound. The recording was all done from his home studio (and sometimes in his dining room), with one musician playing all of the instruments —  McDonald. Even the fretless bass got several layers upon fretless bass layers at times.” Read more herePterous is at radio now from Appearing Records.

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