Gregory Ackerman Discusses His Process With Tonitruale

Posted on Jul 5, 2023
Gregory Ackerman Discusses His Process With Tonitruale

“I feel like I have just been naturally writing these really short songs lately,” Gregory Ackerman told Tonitruale in a recent interview. He continued, “They’re just kind of passing thoughts, or even journal entries. But I never feel as though the songs are too short. They seemed to say exactly what I wanted for just as long as I needed to say it. I’m not really telling full stories, I’m just giving you my brief thoughts about moments in life. To me, that seems to encapsulate modern thinking more trying to write out some kind of logical or chronological story that makes sense in a song. Nothing makes sense anymore, so why do songs need to make sense?”

Hear Ackerman’s short, precise songs on his recent EP Mhm Okay, at radio now from Polymoon Music. Read the full Tonitruale interview with him here.

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