Ink19 Highlights Keturah’s Journey

Posted on Jul 5, 2023
Ink19 Highlights Keturah’s Journey

Keturah’s story and music are testimony to the good things in the world and the connections that bring us together, if we’re just open to them,” Ink19 writes, noting that “the songs Keturah recorded on her self-titled LP are rooted in Malawian folk traditions and given a pan-African spin by collaborators from the Playing For Change Band. The album has a bright, uplifting sound that Americans will probably find similar to Paul Simon’s Graceland. The album opens with the lyrical guitars and dancing percussion of ‘Ju Nyumba,’ a song more effective than a double espresso and shot of Prozac for getting one out of a funk and into the funky. Keturah takes us on her journey, from paying tribute to stops along the way. ‘All the Way from Africa’ is a shot of joy, and ‘Udzafele Zina’ finds a New Orleans jazz vibe in Mark Pender’s soulful trumpet…  Nchuwewe (Ode to Willie Nelson)’ [features] John Densmore of the Doors and Mickey RaphaelWillie Nelson’s longtime harmonica player.”

Read the full Ink19 review hereKeturah, out now from Hen House Studios, is at radio.

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