Soul & Jazz & Funk Waterfalls With Bobby Bazini

Posted on Jul 26, 2023
Soul & Jazz & Funk Waterfalls With Bobby Bazini

Soul & Jazz & Funk is “currently enjoying” Bobby Bazini‘s single “Waterfallin’,” from his upcoming album Pearl. The site has a quote from Bazini about how he created the track with collaborator Connor Seidel. “Something in the way he played on the nylon guitar made me think of a waterfall, he shares. “I immediately started singing the melody ‘Oh you’re waterfallin’’ thinking of how I felt in that moment. We were both in this creative zone, writing almost every day. My head was constantly searching for ideas and songs. The only thing I could compare it to in that moment was a waterfall, it never stops, always flowing. Later when we recorded the song, we even went as far as trying to replicate the sound of a waterfall with a lot of the instruments like the harp, and piano. The more the song evolves, the more the waterfall loses control.’’ Check out the track here.

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