The Ladies Of… Receive End-Of-Year Plaudits From The Big Takeover

Posted on Jan 8, 2024
The Ladies Of… Receive End-Of-Year Plaudits From The Big Takeover

The Big Takeover’s Marcel Feldmar included The Ladies Of…’s album Coming Out Of Our Tenderness on his Top 10 list from 2023. Feldmar writes, “The first time I heard [The Ladies Of… singer] James Hall was during a very hard time in my life. 1989 and I randomly found a cassette copy of Museum. That album pulled me up and out of some dark places. Hard hitting soul filled shadow kissing in your face rhythm and groove rock and roll. And his voice … haunting and hard. The first time I saw James Hall was when Black Nite Crash opened for The Pleasure Club. It was one of my favorite shows ever. And now, These Ladies Of are bringing back all of those super sonic memories.” Read Feldmar’s full list here.

If you like “hard hitting soul filled shadow kissing in your face rhythm and groove rock and roll,” then maybe the new LP from The Ladies Of… is for you. It’s at radio now!

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