Jazzwise Digs The “Often Complex, Yet Ever-Accessible Music” Of Mary Halvorson

Jazzwise is out with a review of Cloudward, the new release from Mary Halvorson. The site writes, “Halvorson plays in a dizzying array of set ups. So, it’s a pleasure to see how she’s maintained and nurtured the band that so illuminated 2022’s extraordinary Amaryllis. While the writing for that sextet occurred in the thrall of Covid lockdowns, Cloudward marks a leap forward into a new, more intuitive world. Unlike Amaryllis, Cloudward was thoroughly road-tested, so there’s an intimacy, a confidence this multi-gifted band has in its relationship with this often complex, yet ever-accessible music.” Read more here.
The album, out now via Nonesuch, is at radio now and goes for NACC and NACC Jazz debuts next week.