Post Genre Hails Mary Halvorson’s “Complex, Innovative Edge”
About Mary Halvorson, Post Genre writes, “The guitarist’s compositions have a complex, innovative edge, and Cloudward is more evidence as to why she deserves all the acclaim that comes her way… This album is a stellar showcase of forward-thinking jazz – the type of music that keeps the genre fresh.” Read the full review, which dives into several of the album’s tracks, here.
Cloudward, out now via Nonesuch, made its debut on the NACC Top 200 last week while jumping from #20 to #6 on the NACC Jazz chart. Thanks to AM1700, CFRU, CHIRP Radio, CJSW, CJSW, CKUT, KAMP, KDUR, KGLT, KMUD, KUCI, KVMR, WIUP, WLFR, WMUH, and WSFM-LP for supporting Cloudward on your charts! The record is aiming for new peaks this week.