The Answer Is In The Beat Handles Dren McDonald’s Oceanic

The Answer Is In The Beat recently provided readers with a tour of Dren McDonald’s album Oceanic, at radio now via Appearing Records. The site writes, “‘The Kids,’ which drifts out to 12 minutes, is easily the most aquatic-sounding track, resembling an underwater equivalent of Daniel Lanois’ spacious Americana. ‘Physeter Coda’ has light kosmische arpeggios, while ‘Oceanlight Meditation Vis’ is the darker, submerged flipside of ‘Beachlight Meditation Vis,’ with both utilizing gong-like ringing tones. ‘Delphinus Bursa’ has expansive melodies and burbling sequences. ‘Dusklight Meditation Vis’ is an eerie comedown which either features manipulated bird calls, or synths imitating them.” The review is here.