KLOF Lauds the innocence mission’s “Sparkling Clarity”

Of the innocence mission, KLOF Mag writes, “they have certainly made the most of their time, creating thirteen albums of sparkling clarity and coherent vision since their 1989 debut, and they show no sign of slowing up. Picking a favourite Innocence Mission album is something of a fool’s errand, given the way in which all of their music seems of a piece with itself, a continuation on the same theme. The quality has remained unfalteringly high throughout, which is something that can’t be said for many bands with upwards of a dozen albums, and the tonal and thematic shifts provide enough progression to make every new album essential. If you are new to the band, you have a huge journey of discovery ahead of you, and Midwinter Swimmers is as good a place as any to dive in.” Read more here.
The new LP is at radio now – get it started!