Post-Punk Digs The Pomp and Pretense-Free Sounds of Sun Atoms

Sun Atoms’ new LP Everything Forever, writes, “suggests horizons just out of reach, merging shadowed rhythms, hushed tones, brooding bass lines, and guitars that oscillate between abrasive bursts and chiming clarity. Its strength lies in its architecture, transcending familiar fragments to become something wholly alive and innovative. On tracks like ‘Mandatory,’ echoes of David Bowie’s Blackstar emerge in forlorn, sax-laden jazz rock, alongside the hushed intimacy of Leonard Cohen and Elliott Smith, elements of prog, and minimalist poetry. Idiot Speaker moves into a gentle, whispering bongo-powered groove, infused with ethereal shoegaze-style chorals. Free of pomp and pretense, this quietly intense collection redefines alternative music with precision and reverence.” The full review is here, and the album is at radio now from Little Cloud Records.