Light Of My Life Enjoys the innocence mission’s New Opus

French website Light Of My Life has a review of the new album from the innocence mission. Via a translation, they say, “Their latest opus, Midwinter Swimmers, is a real pop/folk/dream pop gem… Those who once listened to The Sundays, Shelleyan Orphan or even Cocteau Twins will find here the same fragility, the same joy of putting notes on the colors that betray our feelings. A bit like Liz Fraser, Karen Peris appropriates the English language to knead it like clay without worrying about punctuation. Her sentences curl each other to match his delicate singing, no matter if we don’t understand all the words.”
The site continues, “This music and words invite us to look at the world in a different way, to be amazed at the beauty that surrounds us, to find a simplicity and joy that we have temporarily abandoned. A celebration of life and its wonders, like a ray of sunshine, the yellow of the leaves in the sky, the tears that merge with the clouds and the stars, a love that lasts…” Read the full review here, and get the album spinning today.