Released earlier this year, Samantha Sidley’s jazz-oriented Interior Person sounds, she says, “exactly like what I needed it to sound – like the old records I grew up on, mixed with now and the future.” Now, she returns with a horn-saturated, marching cover of a Ry Cooder track that demonstrates her power as a vocalist in a non-jazz setting.
Sidley explains, “I heard ‘Drive Like I Never Been Hurt’ for the first time on a long drive out of town. One of my favorite places to listen to music is on a long drive. It got stuck in my head and I wanted to listen to it all the time. I felt I needed to sing it. It was something I needed to talk about. This song to me is about saying ‘f*** you’ to all and any oppressive obstacles life throws at you. You don’t forget pain, but you learn to accept and move through it. Sometimes that feels like you are driving down the road in a convertible, tears streaming down your face, you don’t even know where you are headed but that doesn’t matter. You trust the destination. Even when you can’t see it.”
“Quietly radical.” – Los Angeles Times
“Feels like a breath of fresh air.” – JAZZIZ
RIYL: Regina Spektor, Norah Jones, Ella Fitzgerald, The Bird And The Bee, Alex Lilly, Ingrid Michaelson, Madeleine Peyroux, Ry Cooder